Chayote Cream
- 2 pcs. Green chayote or black chayote.
- 1/2 cup. Milk, cream or cream.
- 1/2 cup. Chicken bouillon or water.
- Enough salt and pepper to taste.
- 1/4 cup chopped onion in small cubes.
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- eel the chayotes and chop into pieces do not worry if the pieces are not uniform this is only so that they cook much faster.
- Cook the chayotes until they are soft, for this recipe I decided to steam them, but you can cook them in a pot with enough water to cover them.
- Once the chayotes are cooked, place them in the blender along with the rest of the ingredients except for the salt and pepper.
- Blend until a fine texture without lumps is obtained, return to the saucepan and heat until it comes to a boil.
- Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve the soup.
- Serve the soup with fresh cheese cubes or chunks of chayote or other vegetables.
- You can prepare this cream soup by combining different vegetables such as zucchini or herbs such as cilantro or parsley.
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Mango Habanero Wings
Ingredients: 4 mango pulps ½ cup sugar 2 pieces of habanero peppers ½ of lime juice ¼ onion 1 clo
Chayote Esquite
Ingredients: 2 hard chayotes peeled and diced, bite size. 1 liter of water. Juice of one lemon. 4 ep
Chayote Mold With Ham
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of reduced-fat butter. 1/4 piece of sliced onion. 1 can of heavy cream. 1